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So they wouldn't have deaf children.

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Q: Why was marriage between deaf people prohibited during the late 1800's?
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What age do Sikh people get married?

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Does the Qur'an prohibit same-sex marriage?

No. However, the Qur'an actively prohibits homosexual behavior by associating it with the people of Sodom and Gommorah who were righteously destroyed (see Qur'an 7:80-84). Therefore, while same-sex marriage is not explicitly prohibited, homosexual acts are prohibited. If homosexual acts are prohibited, then necessarily any recognition of sacredness for those homosexual acts (like marriage) is wholly out of the question.

What do you think about the marriage?

Marriage is a beautiful thing between two people.

What does the Tenth Amendment say about marriage?

The Tenth Amendment doesn't say anything about marriage. In fact, marriage is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.Amendment X"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

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Not much. Mixed marriage usually means people from different cultures hispanic and oriental for example.

What can't people eat during Hajj?

The pilgrims may eat any Hala food which they eat in other days. Nothing is prohibited during Hajj.

What are the meaning of kinship and marriage?

I think kinship is the bond between family members. Marriage is a legal contract between to unrelated people who love each other

Marriage between people of different social categories is called?


Compare and contrast marriage and Alcatraz?

Marriage is a sacred bond between two people while Alcatraz is a terrorist prison that you cannot get out of. Many people see marriage as slavery but it's totally different

Does age really matter in marriage?

Some think that age does not matter in marriage while others disagree. It truly depends on the two people in the marriage.

Can there be common law marriage between single and married people?

No. In a common law marriage you are considered legally married and married people can not legally marry others.

The difference for you between a committed relationship and marriage?

A committed relationship could simply be an agreement between two people. Marriage is a legally binding arrangement, licensed by the state.