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Three things: They haven't got the money or courage to get up and live.

For their children's sakes.

They know no better.

If you get cheated on, move and start again, you can do better. You don't need the stress of some geezer not seeing what's good for him!

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Q: Why some women allow their spouse to cheat?
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No matter what country it is some men cheat on their wife or girlfriend and with the exception of a few countries women can also cheat on men. So yes, some Jamaican men do cheat.

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"Yes. I believe in an innocent spouse. I do agree there are some in relationships that do not cheat and abuse their spouse. They should be commended for doing so. I know it's hard to believe, but to believe is to conquer."

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How do you know that one spouse will cheat one day? Not all marriages are full of infidelity. Some marriages last 50+ years and neither spouse was ever unfaithful. Have faith & trust in your partner until he/she gives you a reason not to.

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to get more satifaction of compltness

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I suppose some do, but I bet not all do. You can't generalize people by careers, or by anything, for that matter.

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Do married women cheat with other women?

Some married women probably have cheated on their husbands with other women, but not all women. The reason why they might do this is because maybe they are secretively lesbian and got married to cover up for it, or while being married to a man they have realized that they are lesbian. There could be lots of reasons for why some women cheat with other women.

Do you think your spouse is cheating but he is not?

Yes, some individuals can think their spouse is cheating when they are not. Some individuals have a jealous streak because they are not confident in themselves or perhaps have been hurt by someone else in the past that did cheat. Once an individual has been cheated on previously they are more inclined to be more suspicious of their new spouse cheating. This is where good communication skills is most important in a relationship and you should feel free to discuss how you feel with your spouse and then listen to what they have to say. There are male and female spouses who do cheat, but in most cases the signs are there or eventually the spouse cheating will give themselves away or be caught. We all risk a spouse cheating throughout our life spans, but thankfully a higher percentage do not cheat. Your relationship should be based on trust and if you do not feel you have it then work on it by communicating with your spouse or, if you are having difficulties with thinking your spouse is cheating there is nothing wrong with seeing a psychologist to get you over your difficult time.

Women think of cheating women?

Women who cheat on their man have some serious issues. Most women cheat because they are bored or unhappy in their relationship. If you are not happy in your realtionship you need to move on. Or you can sit down and talk to partner about why you are not happy. Cheating is never the answer.

Why do some people think it is okay to cheat?

Some people think it is okay to cheat for many various reasons. Maybe some people who cheat have not been brought up with strong family values. Some people cheat out of sexual desire. Some people could even cheat because they do not truly care about their spouse or partner. Cheating could also be a form of revenge. But it all really depends on the person and their motive behind cheating.

Why is my spouse unreliable?

Because your spouse doesn't take some things you say as urgent or maybe not so important women and men are like apples and oranges.

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It depends on which religion you are referring to. Some allow it, some do not.