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In essence, when you are gentle to yourself you accept yourself with all your faults, errors and shortcomings. This creates the least frustration and that will optimize your personal growth. Anger (or frustration) is one of the worst things (probably thé worst) you can have because it blocks all other emotions like sadness, joy or fear. Such emotions are necessary to learn how to strengthen yourself, how to find your shortcomings. Anger prevents self-reflection and is an outwards centered emotions, evolutionary developed to attack others (to defend yourself).

However, if you start training yourself to feel through your sadness, joy or fear, and find WHY you feel like this, only thén you can change debilitating thoughts about yourself. So, the courage to look into yourself and find your weaknesses, actually is the beginning of strengthening yourself and find inner peace. The empowering effect of this is enormous! Accepting yourself fully (and being gentle to yourself) will also have an intense effect on others: you will see much earlier how they look quite similar to you and you will accept them much quicker than you used to do.

Being nice or gentle to yourself is the starting point to being nice to others as well!

Feri Kovács (clinical neuropsychologist writing about brain, normal personality and ethics)

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Q: Why should you be gentle with yourself?
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