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because the kids are dragging them down

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Q: Why should parents avoid focusing on only their children?
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How to Avoid a Contagious Disease?

Each year, parents worry about how to keep their children from catching a cold or the flu. Pediatricians recommend that parents get their children vaccinated against the flu every fall. The flu vaccination can protect a child from several types of common flu each year. Children should be taught to wash their hands often throughout the day and to avoid sharing eating utensils and drinking glasses. They should also cough and sneeze into a tissue.

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no you will later find out that he needs you and you need him

Can you include your parents to a resume?

If you can possibly avoid it, avoid including your parents in your resume. If they are your only employer, sometimes you can't avoid it due to the family business situation. However, that should be the only time you refer to your parents on your resume. They should definitely not be used as references, especially when they have the same last name as this smacks of desperation.

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Young children showing signs of intolerance should avoid milk products; infants should switch to soy-based formula.

Why should parents avoid giving nuts to their child?

because they might get sick by it

What position should the microscope stage be in when you first begin to focus in on an object?

The microscope stage should be in its lowest position to avoid damaging the objective lens when you first begin to focus on an object. Begin focusing with the coarse adjustment knob and then use the fine adjustment for finer focusing.

What are some dangerous toys to be aware of before having children?

When having children it is important to consider what types of injuries inappropriate or unsafe toys may give young children and infants, any toys with small parts that can be swallowed should be avoided, as well as toys with a lot of moving parts, to avoid fingers being caught or jammed in them, parents would also want to avoid anything that isn't safe to be chewed or sucked on by an infant

What are the duties of parents according to Buddhism?

Avoid children drom evil doing Show the right path Have them a good education To associate with good friends

What should children avoid during fevers?

Going outside, certain food, and no rest. Hope this helps.

What are some swing sets parents should avoid?

Swing sets are by and large considered safe for children to use when sold commercially. There are some though that have been deemed unsafe. The Flexible Flyer swing set was recalled, as was the Playsafe Dartmouth set.

Is it the parents fault for child obesity?

It is not solely the fault of parents for child obesity. Factors such as genetics, environmental influences, and individual choices also play a role. However, parents do have a significant influence on a child's eating habits and level of physical activity, so they can play a crucial role in preventing and managing childhood obesity through promoting a healthy lifestyle.