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  • Most parents want to give their children every chance in the world to get ahead in their lives and have more than they did, but, some parents just do not have the finances to do so as far as a great education (college) while middle class to wealthier parents can give their children every little thing their heart desires, but is that smart? Not always! Sometimes the wise parents can leave their children with the knowledge of life and prepare them for society without having to spend a lot of money on them that they do not have. It is also up to that child once they hit their teens to try and do the best they can to learn what they can. Good grades often gets a student a Scholarship into a good college. There are programs and night schools a teen can go too to learn if they so choose or an apprenticeship in a company.
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Q: Why parents do not give their children chances in life?
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Parents are extremely important in a child's life. Parents nuture and care for children when they are young and unable to care for themselves. Parents also teach their children values and morals.

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Without parents life for children in general cannot exist - unless you believe the state should house, cloth, feed and educate all children. Children need love, acceptance, discipline and nurturing. With no parent to give this children do not develop into loving, caring adults. As we know, not all parents are fit to be parents - their loss, if there could be a good, loving replacement would not be a bad thing.

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The role of parents are to always protect your children. They have to be a good role model, and they have to guide their children in life.

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Advertising that targets children, usually begins when children ar old enough to watch television. The advertising may work to create life long customers if the children's parents give in to the advertising and buy the products for their children.

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Why parents should give their children an allowance as a reward for doing chores?

Many parents will do this instead of giving pocket money. This is a rewarding way of teaching the children that they must help out in the family. Life skills in living, that will be needed later when they leave home.

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Educated parents can affect children a future because the future of children's depend upon parents life so if parents are educated ,socialized and civilized than they will also make these children educated ,socialized and civilized so educated parents affect children's future

What is a importance of parents in life?

their family pets children etc.

Why do parents force children to study?

because they want there best for their children and want them to succeed in life

What is the best sorry present you can give your parents?

Your parents do not want gifts from you just to say you are sorry, but being mature enough to sit down with your parents and apologize and realize that you are learning lessons of life from your parents and start acting more mature is the best gift you can ever give your parents. Your parents love you and they want to keep you safe and sound; give you a good education and teach you to be kind; respectful; loyal to those you come in touch with so that when you are old enough to live on your own you are self confident and do well in your life. This is difficult for your parents and not an easy task and one day when you get married and have children of your own this is when you will be the most thankful and realize all the wise knowledge your parents passed onto you so you can pass it onto your own children. It's called 'the circle of life.'