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Respecting others' opinions and ways of life is also important united states is a nation of diverse people .Everyone has aright to his or her own opinions and belief all these different people to get along, citizens must respect and accept others. This is called tolerance.

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Q: Why is tolerance an important responsibility of citizenship?
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Why tolerance an important responsibility of citizenship?

Respecting others' opinions and ways of life is also important united states is a nation of diverse people .Everyone has aright to his or her own opinions and belief all these different people to get along, citizens must respect and accept others. This is called tolerance.

What is citizenship and responsibility?

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Yes, serving on a jury is a responsibility of Australian citizenship. In addition, this question appears on the Australian citizenship test.

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Whatever citizenship it may be, the basic responsibility of any citizen would be to uphold the principles of the constitution of the country and render service to the country when called upon to do so.

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Voting in elections is considered a mandatory responsibility of US citizenship.

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Credit score typically does not directly impact an application for citizenship. However, demonstrating financial stability and responsibility can be important for certain visa applications or naturalization processes. Good credit history can reflect positively on an applicant's overall financial standing.

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How does registering to vote fulfill responsibility of citizenship?

Registering to vote communicates your opinions to your representatives.