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im a guy and i will tell you what- that is a sign of him being tired/bored of the relationship.

Lazyness could be a small factor though.

Spice up your relationship by whatever means.

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Q: Why is it that your boyfriend use to want to talk on the phone all the time but now he says he doesnt like talking to you on the phone and he only texts you all the time?
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Your network is down because your phone company is a thief and doesnt want to give you anything free.

Can you see if he is talking or texting other women?

Only if you check his phone for recent texts

If your boyfriend only texts your I do not knowand stuff like that does that mean he doesnt like you?

Yes, give up on this guy he obviously does not care for what ever it is you are talking about and your wasting your time chasing after him. That time you could be using to find someone who actually cares.

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tell her to get her own life and she doesn't have to be jealous that you guys like each other and she has no one! or you can wait till he moves out

What should i do if me and my boyfriend never talk but only on text's?

Throw away your phone? If you want to talk to him verbally, throw away your phone. Communication is one of the attributes of a relationship. Even on texts hearing the voice of the person you love has more meaning to it. Instead of sending him texts, give him a call. The original purpose of a phone was to Talk on it. Give him a call to let him know how much you love him or miss him. The conversation does not have to last forever. Talking gives you a sense of reality. Cut down your texts unless if it vital.

What do you do if your boyfriend tells you to call him back and you dont for a week and he wont respond to your texts?

i think the only thing u can do now is call him dont text because he can ignore texts easier then calls if he doesnt answer his mobile then call him house phone i no it might seem a bit over the top but you have to talk to him and apologise and you no explain wot happened and why you didnt call him bac and hopefully he'll except it and start responding to your texts

What does it mean if your boyfriend texts everyday but barely calls?

He would rather text you then call you. Maybe he isn't comfortable talking to you. Try calling him

Im talking to this girl she answers your texts but doesnt really talk at school is she into you?

i guess she feels more comfortable texting

What are power texts?

if your talking about a cell phone text i belive that it is when you text in a very short period of time and the message is quite long :-)

Can you receive your sons texts on your phone?

Yes, if your 'phone is capable of receiving texts and he sends them to you.

Can you forward your boyfriends texts to your phone?

Sweetie the only way you can forward the text that your boyfriend is making or receiving is if he is in your acct. or you are on his. You will have a hardtimes getting them if your acct. is not his, or vice versa.

When you use up your Verizon anytime minutes does it charge you for texts sent after they are used up?

Texting does not use any minutes from your cell phone plan. Texting is a totally separate activity from talking on your cell phone. TALKING/LISTENING on your cell phone is the only way you use anytime minutes.