no you must be U.S citizen vote
You have the right to vote only if you are a citizen of the US, are over 18 and have registered to vote by the deadline for the election.
A citizen should be atleast 18 years old or older.
anyone over 18 and who are a legal citizen
He's not legally allowed to vote because he's not a US citizen.
No, Canadians cannot vote in US national elections. Only US citizens are eligible to vote in federal elections.
No you cannot vote in any governmental election unless you are a legal citizen of the United States. The power and privilege to be able to vote is the US most sacred right and it is not extended to non-US citizens.
Vote, hold public office, drive (in nearly all states), etc.
Vote or hold public office, such as President of the United States.
Senators can vote like any US citizen for the president. They do not have any special powers in that regard.