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Because they dont want to

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Q: Why is doing the right thing sometimes so difficult?
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Why is doing the right thing so confusing?

only to make us realize that the right thing is always difficult to figure out.

Theme of the story a chip of glass ruby?

you can sometimes be punished for doing the right thing

Why do you feel guilty for doing the right thing?

because sometimes everyone else is doing the wrong thing and its peer pressure :)).Not everyone can do the right thing it takes the love for God for one to do the right thing and don't forget the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world

What is the theme to the first book the Princess Diaries?

The theme of the movie is that doing the right thing might not be the right thing for you, sometimes you have to change things to make them work for you.

Why do you need to do the right thing?

Hey. I am not going to kid you, doing the 'RIGHT THING'is hard. When you are with friends that are doing 'THE WRONG THING' it is not easy or popular to do the 'RIGHT THING'. I have been in many situations whereas I made a decision as to what I believed to be 'RIGHT'. Sometimes I had to walk home or go the other way.Yes. My so called friends shunned me and I lost friends, but true friends stay with you and respect you for doing the 'RIGHT THING'.If you think doing the 'RIGHT THING' is hard as a teenager try doing the 'RIGHT THING' as an officer in the MARINE CORPS or as a doctor. The decisions you make could save someones life or change their life. Would you want a doctor, judge, or policeman to do the 'WRONG THING'. Of course you wouldn't. That is why you do the 'RIGHT THING'.You need to do whats right because it will make you feel good and your parents will be proud!

Why can it be so difficult for people to do what is right in the business world?

Ethics can be a very elastic thing for some people. Don't compromise yours. Whistle-blowers often get punished, but you still feel better doing the right thing.

What teen story has a theme of doing the right thing?

Doing the right thing is standing up for yourself and being courageous

Why can it be so difficult for people to do what is right?

Because doing the wrong thing is easier than doing the right. This is why Anakin Skywalker went over to the dark side. You get promised things, but they never happen. Hope this helps, Budgiebird. Please recommend me!!

What are the benefits of consenting to a child support?

You can view yourself as a responsible parent who is doing the right thing by supporting their child.You can view yourself as a responsible parent who is doing the right thing by supporting their child.You can view yourself as a responsible parent who is doing the right thing by supporting their child.You can view yourself as a responsible parent who is doing the right thing by supporting their child.

Will you succeed when you take right decisions?

Of course! Doing the right thing is always the best thing to do.

How do you not get suspended from school?

By doing the right thing.

Why did Patrick Henry not hopeful about the chances for peace?

because he was not sure of either doing the right thing or the wrong thing because he dosent know wether doing the wrong thing or the right thing would be the best option therefore he dosent want to be casted out on his decision.