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Aphrodite is mentioned as the daughter of Zeus (and Dione) in Homer's Iliad; Euripides' Helen, by Apollodorus - and Cicero's De Natura Deorum.

However in the Theogony, she is the daughter of Ouranos (heaven).

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Q: Why is aphrodite not mentioned in Zeus' family tree?
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Why is aphrodite not mentioned in Zeus's family tree?

Aphrodite is mentioned as the daughter of Zeus (and Dione) in Homer's Iliad; Euripides' Helen, by Apollodorus - and Cicero's De Natura Deorum. However in the Theogony, she is the daughter of Ouranos (heaven).

Why is Aphrodite not mentioned in the family tree?

Must depend on where you have seen the family tree. For example in Wikipedia: Family tree of the Greek gods she is listed as daughter of Uranus.

What is Aphrodites family tree?

There are two accepted legends of Aphrodite's family tree. The first story was when a Cronus threw Ouranus ( the God of the sky into the sea), and Aphrodite emerged from the sea. The second story is that Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus and Diana.

Family Tree of Ares the Greek god of war?

Ares's father was Zeus, his mother was Hera. He had no wife but flirted with Aphrodite. They had the kids Phobos, Cycnus, Demios, and Hippolyte.

Zeus family tree?

Click link below for the family tree of the whole gang!

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Zeus Athena

What was Artemis' family tree?

(Heaven) Uranus = Gaea (Earth) | --------------------------------------- | | | | | Cronus = Rhea Coeus = Phoebe Oceanus = Tethys | | | ---------------------- Leto = Zeus Iapetus | | | | | | | Hestia | Poseidon | Demeter=Zeus | ---------------- Hades Zeus = Hera | | | | | | | Persephone | | Prometheus | Athena | --------- | | | | | Atlas Epimetheus --------------- Apollo Artemis | | | | | | | Ares Hebe Hephaestus Zeus=Maia Zeus=Dione | | Hermes Aphrodite

Where is Euterupe in Mythology Island?

There is no such thing! If you mean Aphrodite, that's on Posedion's Beach. Athena, the 'old lady' by the sacred tree. Zeus, on Olympus.

Why does the family tree show athena coming from zeus alone?

cause there related.

Who is in the family tree of Zeus Hades and Poseidon?

Click the link below and check out their family trees. Very extensive.

Greek gods' family tree?

It started with kronus....then his wife bore 6 children...Zeus,Hera,Poseidon,Hades,Demeter,And the godess of hearth......then Zeus bore many children....I only knew much some of them....Hermes,Athena,Aphrodite,Apollo and Artemis.....Then Demeter bore a child by Zeus her name is Persephone then Hades marry her :))Zeus have demigodes who is born a Hercules :D

What is Aphrodite's tree?

The myrtle tree is often associated with Aphrodite in Greek mythology. It is believed to be her sacred tree, symbolizing love, beauty, and fertility.