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Because Troy is hotter.

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Q: Why is Caleb not in eating out 2?
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Caleb Carr was born on August 2, 1955.

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Caleb Carr was born on August 2, 1955.

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What happens between Caleb and Hanna on ppl?

Well Jenna payed Caleb to find a key or a usb thingy that she thought Hanna had and she didnt and Hanna found out so she dumped Caleb. Then Caleb went on a train but in the finale Lucas got Caleb to come back and they show the 2 of them in a car going to Hanna but then at the end they dont show him so maybe in the season 2 opener Caleb will get another chance i sure do hope so:)

What happens on Pretty Little Liars to Hanna and Caleb?

Well Jenna payed Caleb to find a key or a usb thingy that she thought Hanna had and she didnt and Hanna found out so she dumped Caleb. Then Caleb went on a train but in the finale Lucas got Caleb to come back and they show the 2 of them in a car going to Hanna but then at the end they dont show him so maybe in the season 2 opener Caleb will get another chance i sure do hope so:)

Does Caleb followill have a kid?

No he does not.