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Either he doesn't want to hurt your feelings by saying he never wants to see you again OR he does really just think of you as a friend and doesn't want to lose you completely.

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he most lkely thinks that the relationship was going weird or bad so he just wanted to start over.

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Q: Why he wants to be friends with me after breaking up with me?
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Maybe she's probably sad or maybe breaking up with you or just wants to be friends. This is my opinion.

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it all depends on who did the breaking up, who broke up with who, if you broke up with your ex it would be easier to become from, but you may need to be careful and keep things clear with your ex, such nothng more than friends, if they broke up with you, make sure your over them completely before trying to be friends. It may just hurt you if your not truly over them.

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He will still feel feelings for you but says he just wants to be friends and that's what friends do .Right?

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He might want to say his dumping you and he wants to set you up with one of his friends.

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Probably that he wants to sleep with you and keep his other relationship intact. He wants his cake and eat it too. If this were not so, he would have broken up with her already.

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he probably just wants to be friends with you, or he still likes you but doesn't want to date you