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i moved away from my boyfriend to live abroad and we broke up because we found it hard to trust each other :(

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i need idea

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Dashen casab

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Its faster than any other means of travel in long distance

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Q: Why has air travel become the primary mode for middle and long distance trips?
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Why has air travel become the primary mode for long distance trips?

Air travel has become the primary mode for long distance trips due to its speed and efficiency in covering vast distances in a relatively short amount of time. The development of advanced aircraft technology and infrastructure, along with competitive pricing and convenience, have all contributed to the popularity of air travel for long distance trips. Additionally, air travel offers a wide range of destination options and frequent flight schedules, making it a convenient choice for travelers.

What is the driving distance from Memphis to Hawaii?

you cannot drive to Hawaii, it is in the middle of the pacific so you have to travel by boat or fly

What was the primary route of travel in the 1800?

The national road was the primary route of travel and cost 337m$ to create

How did people get around on water in the middle ages?

Most commonly people in the middle ages walked to get where they were going. The wealthy may have used a horse. Long distance travel was uncommon. Most people lived in small villages, and rarely if ever traveled any further than the nearest market town to sell their surplus and buy a few manufactured goods. Some professions, such as merchants and soldiers, might regularly travel, but roads were generally poor and long distance travel was difficult. Religious pilgrimage was also a cause for long distance travel.

What is the distance travel divided by the time needed to travel that distance?

Speed Average speed- the total distance traveled divided by the time it takes to travel that distance Velocity is also the distance or displacement divided by the time

Why does distance affect sound?

Distance affects sound because as sound waves travel through a medium, they gradually lose energy. The longer the distance the sound has to travel, the more energy is lost, resulting in a decrease in sound intensity. This is why sounds often become softer and less distinct the farther they are from the source.

How long would it take for a primary wave to travel from San Francisco California to Reno Nevada?

A primary wave (P-wave) can travel at an average speed of about 6 km/s through the Earth's crust. The distance between San Francisco, California, and Reno, Nevada, is approximately 350 km. Therefore, it would take around 58 seconds for a primary wave to travel from San Francisco to Reno.

Do action potentials become weaker with distance?

No, action potentials do not become weaker with distance. They maintain their strength as they propagate along the length of the neuron due to the regenerative nature of the process. This ensures that the signal can travel long distances without weakening.

Did a women travel in Middle Ages?

yes a woman did travel in the middle ages

Can you buy secondary travel insurance without primary insurance?

Put simply, yes, you can buy travel insurance or travel health insurance without primary insurance. That's just as well, as your primary insurance may not cover you (or cover you completely) when you travel overseas.

How does stitching effect the distance a soccer ball will travel?

How does stitching effect the distance a soccer ball will travel?

When a base is hit the distance it will travel depends on its speed?

When a baseball is hit, the distance it will travel depends on its speed.