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girls are smart because they pay attention unlike boys who prefer to mess around when the teachers not looking therefor causing the boy to fail that subject and girls to pass.

guys prospective i am a genius in my class i have the "ability" to mess around even when teacher is looking and listen and pay attention at once teachers hate me i get good grades and i have fun-plus sexy chicks-;-)

gay Anthony Murphey loves everyone

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13y ago
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13y ago

the answer to this question is the reason why girls get more better grades than boys is because girls actually are mature humans they actually have a brain and can be bothered to do things if you think I'm being harsh than i can tell you at least that i am not but i do admit that boys are more athletic than girls even then girls are more committed but they are just built a particular type of way and we cant help that but people are always born with the same 'kind' of brain but still if you trained your brain and you worked hard than maybe you would be smarter than girls.

or it could just be your school because some classes have more smarter boys because it is unbalanced but in your case girls are smarter.

in conclusion girls get better grades than boys because they can be bothered or they just......are!!!

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14y ago

teenage boys have a smaller logic part of there brain then anyone else on the world were as teenage girls still have there logic. So physically teenage girls are cleverer then teenage boys.

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12y ago

it is because gils are more patient than boys common sense!

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