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Why do you say you dont want to be one? Is there a reason?

First off, women are beautiful. Men...not so much. I dont think it is odd for you to find someone women attractive.

But, if you find NO men attractive, then where does that leave you? Why dont you find them attractive?

Perhaps you are a lesbian. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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Q: Why don't i find men attractive but girls pretty I don't have a problem with lesbians but i don't want to be one ive been worrying a lot about it I think i might have anxiety or something?
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very low anxiety is responsible for not worrying about anything.this could be harmful as it makes the person very dull and and tendency of non caring about everything in life which requires importance of sinha's anxiety anxiety test the anxiety level of a person can be found and improved upon if possible.

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You could find out more about treating anxiety by first going to a psychiatrist and speaking with them, they will let you know whether or not you are suffering from anxiety for sure, or if you are just worrying yourself.

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If you cant be satisfied with anything (being a perfectionist) then you might keep worrying and thinking about how you can improve something to the point of perfection accounting for all variables and individual taste along the way, which is impossible to do so you can get bogged down in too many details when trying to do something, that you loose sight of the here and now and deadlines for example wheich when they draw closer you get anxoius about and then it takes head into a big spin...and more anxiety and stress and on the viscious circle goes.

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Some of the symptoms of an anxiety disorder would be constant worrying, insomnia, trembling, irritability, startling easily, fatigue and muscle pain.

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Full of anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous, esp. respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense; -- applied to persons; as, anxious for the issue of a battle., Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying; -- applied to things; as, anxious labor., Earnestly desirous; as, anxious to please.

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Anxiety can definitely effect your sports performance. Anxiety is related to depression, it involves worrying about virtually everything (depending on the severity). Any thoughts that are not focused on the game at hand can effect your performance negatively.

How to control anxiety at home In my home they think I'm mad Can i control myself at home Please give me some lessons ir techniques?

Controlling anxiety at home by realizing that worrying is the problem not the solution.

What are the effects of anxiety disorders?

Worrying about trivial things that you can't change, panicking when an unpleasant situation arises, and, in some cases, isolation from other people.

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No matter how long a night might seems, day eventually comes. This speaks to worrying and anxiety.