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She is probably interested in someone else, but no one at WikiAnswers can really tell you. If you want to know for sure you have to ask her. Ya Asking her is the only thing u can do. No one else can do it just U

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Q: Why doesn't the girl i like notice me but a lot of other girls that like me notice me even when i don't like them?
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Boys flirting with other girls?

always its how they live they cant help it its a mans job but still doesnt mean he dont love you

What should you do if the girl doesn't like you?

If a girl doesnt like you who cares there is other girls out there you know? I know finding out that the person you like doesnt have the same feelings as you sucks but dont sweat it k

How do you know she is still interested in you?

flurt with other girls and if she tells them off tell here that you thought she was not into you!? if she doesnt dont show that you what her and kiss a HOT girl where she can see you.

Im a 8th grader and i want a guy to notice me and like me. want should i do to make him notice me?

find out more about this guy. Find out what he likes in girls, try to talk to him more and show him who you really are. if he doesnt like you for who you really are, dont go through the trouble of changing yourself. it doesnt help anyone. For example, lets say you start dating this guy, after you change who you are, how will you ever know if he likes you for who u are??? hes not worth it if he doesnt. im sure theres plenty of other guys that are gonna notice you. so basically be yourself, and talk to the guys (be outgoing) and see wut you fish out of it.

What do you do when a guy says he loves you but cheats on you?

Then he either he doesnt actually love you or he likes 2 girls @ the same time. If he cheated on you, dont stay with him!! He doesnt deserve you, and you dont deserve for him to treat you like that.

Why does sekai kill makoto in school days?

Because he doesnt care about her or their baby( i dont know if she was really pregnant) and he kisses konotoha in front of her and he is always with other girls

What is Girl's generation's emails?

They doesnt give answer .... SMTOWN , dont give Girls' Generation their emails to sones .

Why dont girls notice the sweet guys?

HAH you think it is hard to make girls notice the sweet guys! Try getting Guys to like sweet girls! That is COMPLICATED but um to answer your question ummmm girls do notice they just don't let on very much that is part of our secretiveness! All that is true. Guys don't notice sweet girls, and the other way around. But some girls do. If you want to be recognized by your sweetness, find a nice, and sometimes kind of shy girl. The popular girls dont so much care about sweetness. But i am not popular (by choice!!) and I don't want to date some jerk who can do well in gym and trash talk. I want a sweet and funny guy. And by the way, popular girls are really just not good for sweet, shy guys.

How do you talk with woman?

Be sweet, but genuine. you just gotta be yourself. dont get all nervous or anything. as long as you are rue to yourself then everything should be good. if she doesnt like you for you then dont worry about it. it wasnt meant to be and there are millions of other girls out there.

This girl I know notices when I dont talk but doesnt acknowladge me when I do Does she like me I am are just Confused?

Ask her if she likes you. Girls are confusing but that's what you want. We have to be confusing for you to notice us.

How do you impress your crush without using words?

You smile at him/her alot and fress to impress! They will porboly notice you and ask you out. If that doesnt work..... dont ask me!