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Depends what your asking him if you are asking him like personal questions about them or stuff about them doing stuff they shouldn't then most likely he is just standing up for his friends but if your just asking normal questions i would say probably he might be hiding something... maybe

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I guess he may feel insecure that you believe these comments/rumours. Maybe you should try to trust him more, and if something as happned, he's sure to tell you about it if he's a good enough person.

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Q: Why does your boyfriend get mad when you ask about things people say about him?
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Ask him ! And if he deosn't tell you - he's acting immature and childish. ASK HIM

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You shouldn't be mad just find out why. The question is ARE you mad? If you are, you have to ask yourself why. Are you jealous or worried that your boyfriend may be unfaithful? Are you worried your boyfriend still has a romantic interest? Talk to your boyfriend and maybe the two of you can come to an understanding. If he talks to his ex as only a friend, then there may not be an issue.

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Ask him why. Or talk to him about it. He might only be struggling through something else and is taking it out on you. Intentionally or unintentionally.

Why does my boyfriend always get mad at me?

It would be hard to say why your boyfriend is always gets mad at you without knowing the situation. It could be because he is jealous, you are spending too much time together, or he may have lost interest in your relationship.

What it means when you ask your boyfriend if he will share you he gets mad?

So your boyfriend got mad when you told him you wanted him to share you? As in share you with another person? You're boyfriend probably doesn't want the competition or sees relationships as being between two people, not three. Unless I'm interpreting you wrong, I'd say he just wants to keep the relationship between you and him, and I agree.