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hi (: so I'm revising this.

1) the other person said she was nocktournal and she isn't real


3) toothfairies are very important to me (as you can tell from my username)

4) the actual answer is because they don't want to be seen by people because the government will take them and put them under tests and they will go extinct

5) they also come at night because it would ruin the fun and the suspense for little kids if they actually saw them

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Q: Why does the tooth fairy only come at night?
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Tooth fairy land phone number and she will pick up?

she doesn't have a home phone or a cellphone, but if you lose a tooth she will come and get it, but only when you are asleep

Is there only one tooth fairy?

there are lots of tooth fairies

Where can you see the tooth fairy by Anchor Bay?

you cant see the tooth fairy she only comes when you are asleep

Can you talk to the tooth fairy on the phone?

Unfortunately, phones have not been created in a small enough size, so the Tooth Fairy does not carry a phone. The teeth that she collects each and every night are already heavy for her. The additional weight of a phone would just slow her down. However, you could leave her a letter with your tooth if you really need to communicate with her.

What do a teeth think about a dentist?

Well, teeth love the dentist. Only because the get to be cleaned and 'tickled'. If the dentist has to pull out a tooth, Don't think of it as your never going to see that tooth again, think of it as the tooth will be with the tooth fairy that night, the tooth will be in "tooth heaven".

Is the queen of the fairies a tooth fairy?

Aha, no, the tooth fairy is as real as Santa; only lives in the hearts of young children.

What time does the tooth fairy come out at night?

Anytime at night. She starts at 9:00, ends at 1 in the morning.

Do tooth fairy come and get your tooth?

The tooth fairy is real and she does exist. She comes when you are sleeping, she takes your tooth, gives you money. Parents do NOT trick you and put money under there just for fun. Tooth fairy actually comes, lifts up your pillow, and gives you money, takes your tooth, and goes back to Fairyland.But it is not only money that she give it to you and it also can be anything but if you want something else other than money you can write a letter and explain why you wants. (: Hope that helped!! enjoy! and also tooth fairy are real!! :)

If the tooth fairy flew around the world how far would she have to fly?

No one knows, only God and the Tooth Fairy. She'd probably have to fly more than a billion kilometers.

How come the tooth fairy gives some people 5 dollars gives others 1 dollar but gives others 20 dollars?

The amount of money left by the Tooth Fairy depends like many other things on supply and demand. The Tooth Fairy's requirement to collect teeth is fixed. If there are lots of teeth left under pillows all over the world on a given night then there is a large supply, but the Tooth Fairy's requirement for teeth (the demand) remains the same. When supply increases (lots of teeth left under pillows) and demand remains the same, the value or price drops and so the amount of money left for a tooth will drop. Unfortunately only the Tooth Fairy knows how much a tooth is worth on a given night so it is just a question of luck as to how much money you get. But as it's all down to luck, then probability states that over a lifetime of visits from the Tooth Fairy you'll sometimes get more and sometimes less and different people will get more or less money at different times but it should all work out evenly in the end!

What does the tooth fairy look like?

The tooth fairy looks like a fairy with teeth. But fairies have teeth anyway so I'll just shut up now.IN ADDITION:The tooth fairy only shows up while you are asleep. Since you cannot see while you are asleep, the description of the tooth fairy remains a mystery. I saw the tooth fairy last night because i lost my tooth, it looks like a big ray of light shining so bright it turns blue! well, that's my tooth fairy she has a pink dress with red or blonde hair. I scared her and she dropped the money and left the tooth guess ill wait til tommorrow

Does a tooth fairy only take teeth on the day they fell out?

i can tell you that the tooth fairy can sometimes come another day and another not. do not say this because i am not compleatly shure but i do not think the tooth fairy is real. what hppends is simple when you are deep aslep your parents come in an put a pound under your pillow. they chuck the pound in the bin so when morning comes check the bin even if your mum says no. but santa is 100 pc real