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Because he likes you sillly! if you say Hi to him he will know you have noticed!!:)

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Q: Why does the outgoing guy you like say hi to everyone including strangers but you?
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What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like sometimes can be himself around you but sometimes can't when he can totally be himself around anyone including strangers?

it means he likes you

Why can't the outgoing guy you like always be himself around you when he can totally be himself around anyone including strangers?

He's nervous around you- he likes you. He's worried about what you will think of him if he acts kinda weird.

What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like can't always be himself around you but only sometimes when he can totally be himself around anyone including strangers and it's been a year?

Perhaps he likes you but fears rejection from you...and fears that you don't like his real self...?

What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like doesn't always be himself around you but only sometimes when he can totally be himself around anyone including strangers and it's been a year?

a) he likes you b) he is attracted to you but doesn't like you c) he used to like you d) he's nervous around girls

Why can't the outgoing guy you like always be himself around you but only sometimes when he can totally be himself around anyone including strangers and it's been a year?

Maybe he feels that you are to good for him and he feels that if he is himself and does something stupid you'll break up with him.

Can a very outgoing guy who basically can talk to anyone including strangers be very shy to ask a girl out?

yes! They are more nervous to talk because they really like the girl. he's not being a scarediy cat he is just nervous because he likes her too.

Do shy boys like shy or outgoing girls better?

It really changes from one guy to another. I would say that "most" shy boys like outgoing girls, but not everyone will agree.

Why does the outgoing guy you like hug and talk casually to everyone but only stare at you and say hi to you?

That's because he wants you to see how outgoing and cool he is but he has his own limits and respects you. :)

If the guy you like is outgoing towards everyone but you?

make him notice u. then be nice for one day and then act like he did. play hard to get

What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like doesn't say hi to you anymore when he does to everyone?

he is upset at you for something, or you insulted him, or someone said you insulted him

What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like sometimes can be himself around you but sometimes can't when he can talk to anyone including strangers easily?

Shy, keyword shy. Happens to me sometimes - like when I go somewhere new and I'm meeting complete new kids that I'm supposed to "hang" with. I'm a 13 year old boy, and right where I am in life. Believe me - this happened with my crush... :)

Does a guy like you if he is outgoing and he treats you like he treats other people?

unless he told you that hes interested you have no reason to believe that he is if he acts the same way towards everyone