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You know, I watched a funny home video on TV the other day. In the video there was a little boy who was dumping out his plate of vegetables in the trash and someone caught him in the act. As soon as he realized he was being videotaped he got really, really upset. It was cute, but it says to me that once a person gets caught doing something he shouldn't, he reacts by becoming upset (angry? defensive?). So, when a cheater is called out for his actions, he naturally defends himself through anger. Try not to take his defensiveness personally. He knows what he did wrong. He shouldn't take it out on you, but it's to be expected. In fact, if he's going to act like a child, you can confront him as you would a child. Look him straight in the eye and say without blinking, "Just because you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, doesn't make me the bad guy for catching you."

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