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That's how life is, and that's how its suppose to be. Got a problem with it, all well.

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Q: Why does number go on forever?
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It goes on forever because numbers go on forever.

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There is no biggest number. Numbers go on forever. Infinity isn't a number.

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numbers go on forever

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No, there is no last prime number. They go on forever.

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Yes. Numbers go on forever.

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There is none because they go on forever.

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there is no biggest number, numbers go on forever (99999999999999999999 and so on)

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There is no actual biggest number because numbers can go on forever.

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Yes, if the decimal doesn't go on forever, then it is a rational number.

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there is no point in asking this because it will go on forever

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math is infinite, there is no number of them, they can go on forever.

Is 20 an irrational number?

No it is rational because it doesn't go on forever.