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The same reason that it does for most everyone else. You miss her!!! Answer Maybe you are in love with her.

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Q: Why does my heart feel weird everytime i think of my girlfriend?
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You have never kissed but your girlfriend has Should you tell her or will it make your first kiss weird?

i think you should you should be able 2 trust your girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!

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Me personally? I think that's kind of a weird question to ask on a public site like this...

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ok so i don't think its weird but if i were u i wouldn't do it. but if your one of the nice guys do it lol. just make sure she brushes her teeth after that

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a girl called Stephbut she is weird a girl called Stephbut she is weird

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You don't want them to think you're that crazy, just do unexpected stuff, say weird things, go all out on the mufti days to look weird/hot.

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I don't know either it happens to me to extreeme weird

How would a guy that a lot of people think is weird get a girl?

by being kind to her and getting to the heart and not looking on the outside appearence

Is it weird that you get jealous when your girlfriend spends time with your best friends?

No that isn't weird, it just simple jelousy.

How do you know if you like someone else?

Trust me when you like someone love someone or are in love with someone you will know. Your heart will jump everytime he or she looks at you. you will say weird things around them. And even sometimes when you close your eyes visions will pop into your mind of them.

17 year old boy and you have never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl yet you have recently been very attracted to your moms friend who is 36 Everytime you see her you want to have sex with her?

Absolutely normal. What would be abnormal is to actually HAVE sex with her. That would be very, very weird.