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Maybe she's worried that you will be jealous or think something is going on. Maybe she doesn't feel that she should have to tell you if she's going out with her friends - male or female. If it bothers you, you should discuss it with her and let her know that you'd appreciate a heads-up when she spends a night out with another male so you aren't caught off guard.

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Q: Why does my girlfriend go out with a male friend without telling me?
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k k

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It's not right! Even if you could trust her, your girlfriend can be there for her friend without sleeping with him. If he's in emotional pain they could sit on the couch and she could put her arms around him to comfort him, but there is no reason whatsoever for going to bed. You need to let your girlfriend know this is wrong! If her friend wants her to stay overnight to comfort him, then she can sit in a chair while he sleeps and keep an eye on him.