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We as a society, have come to find a male groin strike (which is illegal and is classified as assault) to be humorous. This most likely stems from the our pre-set thoughts, as males being strong providers and when we see them being crippled by such a simple thing, we find it humorous. It may also stem from in women, the inability to understand the physical and involuntary reaction caused by being struck. Females may find it funny, that they can force a man involuntarily to bend over into a compromised position. And on a more sinister note, many people, male and female may find that they feel empowered by it. To strike a seemingly stronger and invincible person and have them go down into a compromised position, may bring some people pleasure. Also, it should be noted, that popular media, such as "America's funnies home videos" have popularized it as being humorous. To further our already deepened belief it is funny by popular media, our peers have encourage it to such an extent, that it becomes funny.

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Q: Why does men always get there balls hurt?
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What is ballbusting?

Its a fetish that involves men who like to get be hurt (busted) in the testicles (balls) and women who like to do the hurting. The most classic form of ballbusting is probably kicking a guy in the balls, but you can also punch, stomp, etc.

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noob :3

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Not legally. Which is just as much as women can hurt men.

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Yes they do have balls and always will. Even female spiders have balls!

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I had that same problem when I was 13.I went to the doctor and they said that the balls might of got tangled. Or if you mastrobate to much then your penis will get a boner and it will pull the balls up. And then they hurt. Hope that helped!!

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yea... really badly!! :(

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They improved tennis balls because when the hand hand hit it, it would hurt. So they made the balls softer for people.

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What are balls on men?

hairy testicles

What does male balls mean?

Mall balls mean the dangling sack with 2 ding a lings in it that hurt if you hit them

Why do sisters kick their little brothers in their balls or nuts?

Because there annoying and deserved to have there little balls hurt... ALL THE TIME!!!!!