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It comes from the time when girls could get pregnant and burden the family with another mouth to feed.

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Q: Why does it look worst on a girl to sleep around then a guy to?
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Why do people need more than 8 hours of sleep?

Because if they didnt, they would look worst than your unflushed, unclean toilet that has been around since the beginning of time.

Where does the phrase beauty sleep come from?

Well if you dont sleep you will be cranky and have rings around your eyes so if you do sleep you would look better

What does it mean when a girl can't look at you?

worst case scenario, shes trying to make a joke out of you. Ask her, but be ready for anything.

How can you look good?

Get lots of sleep, wash your face in the morning (and if you are a girl wear a little makeup), smile and be positive.

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the important thing is when you sleep with her in your room that's is it , don't look another answer

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Charlie Mcdonnell looks for a girl who is witty, funny, creative, and fun to be around.

How can you tell to girl that you like you?

she will always stare at you. when you look at her she will turn around quickly.

What do the tokio hotel members look for in a girl?

In what way ? Look wise ? They definatly need a girl who understands their schedule, someone who knows there not gunna be around all the time

If you look at a girl and she looks at you then you look around and back at her and she is still staring at you then does she like you?

only if she has a happy face or smiling

What does the band Tokio Hotel look for in a girl?

In what way? Look wise? They definitely need a girl who understands their schedule, someone who knows they're not going to be around all the time.

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How do you tell if a girl in 4th grade likes you?

the girl will look at u a lot and if u look at her she will not look at uthe girl will not talk to u muchthe girl will panic if u talk to her or will just say something like ur really immature or ughthe girl will be really smart around u or will just not talkthe girl will say ur smart or that ur good at somethingthe girl will try to act like a popular girl around uthe girl should not play with uthe girl will act like a B WORD towards u