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we do that just to get woman mad. Dont take it serious....

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Q: Why does he say hurtful things when fighting?
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What word means to say hurtful things?

Spite. Slander. Backstab. Belittle. Defamation.

Why do people who care about one another get into power playing conflicting roles and say thing that are hurtful to one another?

that would usually mean they want you to think about what you did they are mad there for they are going to say hurtful things that they know will get u

What words have something to do with war?

fighting gruesome mean bloody hurtful

Chlorine and why its harmful...?

it can hurt you and stuff and it is hurtful to things. ya

Is Chris Brown a bastard?

no,why would u say that that is hurtful

A cyberbully?

Does mean and hurtful things to others using social networks.

Why don't i like some of my friends?

Friends can be mean, rude or hurtful. They can pick on you, say rude things, or not act like your friend. Sometimes, it's not even about the hurtful things they do. Friendship have to do with interest. Sometimes if you don't have the same interest, you don't like your friends. Also, it just may be you don't like the way you friend talks or acts. Perhaps, you should write a list of things you like about your friend, and things you don't. (:

How can you hurt someones feelings?

You can hurt someone's feelings by saying disrespectful or hurtful things, by ignoring or dismissing their emotions, or by betraying their trust. Emotional manipulation, intentional insults, and invalidating their feelings can also be hurtful.

What do you never want to hear from a friend?

You never want to hear a friend say hurtful or disrespectful things towards you, betray your trust, or invalidate your feelings and experiences. Trust and communication are essential in any friendship, and hearing hurtful words from a friend can be deeply damaging to the relationship.

Why do narcissists say hurtful things to there girlfriend's to get a reaction?

Because they feel like they own you. You are in their eyes an extension of themselves and will want to project all of the anger and rage they have inside, unto you.

Is it wrong to talk about another person in a way that is truthful but hurtful?

Yes, yes it is no matter how truthful it is you should never say anything hurtful to or about another person.

Why do you feel hurt after an argument?

After an argument, with someone that you love, you say things that you don't mean. words are powerful and cannot be undone. the other may say things that they don't mean as well, but you may take them seriously. usually arguments reuin relationships, even amoungst friends, because of the hurtful things that are said but not ment.