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Their smile, the way they laugh. How they carry themselves. The way you make each other feel. they love each other for who they are. Maybe not much of an answer, but I think most people would agree with these.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Lets be clear about this from the beginning, there are different ways going about answering this question. You could love someone for all the wrong reasons or for the right.

The right or better reasons to love someone are the person they are inside. What they like to do, how they make you feel, what kind of things they do for you and other people. How they treat you or the ones closet to them. How even though you feel like you had the worst day possible, they still find a way to make you smile. Even though getting up in the morning and starting your day sounds like the most depressing thing ever, looking at that person next to makes it all worth it. Love them for who they are on the inside and how they make you feel, not for what they look like. Because looks will fade over time, the person they are inside won't

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14y ago

You love someone because you don't ever want to see them with someone else but yourself.

It's not a hormone thing, it's a heart thing.

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