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beacuse a man just wants to have lots of sex

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Q: Why does a married man stop contacting his mistress when he starts having feelings?
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Who's problem is it to resolve if the other woman is still contacting the wife and the married man she had the affair with?

Your husband had a tongue in his head and he could have said 'no' to having an affair with the other woman or, he started the affair so it is up to the husband to resolve the problem with the mistress contacting the wife and himself. If the husband does not stop the ex mistress from phoning his wife and himself then the wife should at least apply for a separation because he may still be seeing the mistress.

What is the difference between concubine and mistress?

A concubine is a woman who lives with a man, but is lower in status than his wife or wives. A mistress is a woman having an affair with a married man.

What cons of your family having a mistress?

Having a mistress can lead to feelings of betrayal and hurt among family members, causing emotional distress and damage to relationships. It can also create tension, conflict, and lack of trust within the family unit. Additionally, having a mistress can result in the breakdown of the family structure and impact the well-being of all individuals involved.

Why would a married man stop contacting his mistress when he starts having feelings for her?

Probably because he wants to move on smoothly, not abruptly ANSWER: Could it be that this married man fell in love with his ex mistress? I don't know the situation between you and your husband but what you need to do is talk to him, tell him how you feel. Contacting this woman is not going to help him rebuild the mistakes he done to you. Tell him to stop being a child and grow up, and if he wanted to be with his ex mistress, ask him to divorce you because you don't deserve what he is doing right now.

Is the affair over after mistress tells spouse?

ANSWER: Are you joking, did you think because you had told his wife what he was doing, that will be the end of it. Mistress hardly go and see the wife, of the man she was having the affair, her intent is if the wife learn about her husband, it will automatically going to kick him out of their house. And this is mistress dream. When a woman becomes the mistress it will be for her benefit as well as the married man, why? the only way a mistress can let go her married lover is when she have a soul.

What celebrity has currently gotten into trouble for being married but also having a mistress?

There are many celebrities that are married but have mistresses on the side. The most recent and prominent celebrity would still be Tiger Woods. He recently became engaged to his mistress after his wife divorced him.

How do you know if you are a mistress?

If the guy you are seeing has a wife or girlfriend, and you are 'the other woman'.B: If you are involve with a married man right now you are the mistress. A mistress is a woman who is single or married that's having a relationship with a married man.The relationship of a mistress to this married man are only:1- part time2- you can't call him at home3- he can't stay with you at night4- he can't be with you during holiday or special day5- he can't take you out publicly because of his friends or family might seeyou together.This are facts and more of how a mistress is treated. If you are on this pathget out or else your life will not improve and you will stay hidden from everyone because of this married man.

If a married man is having an affair and he gives the mistress a life insurance policy does that mean he loves her?

Yes. Or she is very manipulative and he is stupid.

What does it mean if a married man told his mistress he hasn't kissed anyone as long or as much as he kissed her?

When a married man tells his mistress he has never kissed anyone as long or as much as her is lying through his teeth. Married men when single had at least one or more girlfriends and then they chose the girl they married so passions were high at the time. Married men tell mistresses what they want to hear because it is all about sex. The statistics for a mistress having a married man get a divorce and marry her is extremely low so he is basically using her for his own selfish needs and the mistress ends up losing her self respect.

What does it mean if a married man never talks about his wife to his mistress?

I never heard a married man talk about his wife to his mitress. I think the reason why he end up having an affair is for him not to think, talk, or even look at his wife. The only way that married man will talk about his wife to his mistress is when he want her to feel sorry for him or maybe to make sure that his mistress will think that his wife is not a good wife and then some.

Why would a guy keep his mistress around for so long is it because he has feelings for her?

I think it could be: A. He does have feelings for her. B. He doesn't at all, he just likes the thrill of being with someone behind his partners back because it makes him feel alive and can't be bothered with establishing a new mistress. C. He likes having sex with her.

Why would a married man get 2 emails from his ex mistress to give him a heads up on something and she know he read the emails but he never responded back then when he sees her says nothing about them?

The ex mistress should get the hint that this married man regrets having the affair; wants to stay with is wife and the relationship he had with his mistress is over and that is the reason he is not answering the emails or mentioning them when he sees her. The percentage is high for mistresses losing out when dating a married man.