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Q: Why do you like it when people flirt with you even though you think its wrong?
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Can you flirt?

Yes, a person can flirt. They just have to be careful and not flirt with the wrong people.

Is it wrong to flirt with a guy even though you hate him?

You can't possible "hate" him that much to want to flirt with him ...

Is it okay to just flirt with a lot of guys even if some of them are younger than you?

I don't think that you should flirt with guys younger cause I like a guy that is older so that I can trust and love them. It is fine to flirt because flirting is not something that is wrong.

I like to watch videos of trannies do you think it it wrong when i have a boyfriend?

Biblically speaking, yes. Morally speaking, what is "wrong" or not is up to you. Most people would call THAT pretty wrong, though.

What is the corect way to flirt?

There is NOT a right or wrong way to flirt. It is based on your personality and experience. Flirting comes naturally for most people. Just talk to the boy or girl and if there is an attraction flirting happens.

Why does the US Congress think gay people are wrong?

Some religions frown on homosexuality, but the U.S Congress is made of several different groups of all different viewpoints. The U.S Congress, as a whole, does not "think gay people are wrong".

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There are still many states, including Texas that think weed is wrong, even though a good majority of people use it. Until it is made legal for recreational use, all of those people using weed are breaking the law.

Do girls flirt with their fathers?

if they do, then there is something seriously wrong going on

How do you get a boy to like you if you are both Christians and flirting is wrong?

dont flirt, just talk casually. if you think its wrong then ask a reverend, he'll give you good advice. if he says flirting is wrong then say 'we are at the age where both sexes can talk, even if it's wrong'

What is wrong with being a flirt?

Depends is the girl/guy you're flirting with a psychopath who'll think you're in love with him/her? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other that's insanely jealous? Is the flirtee under 18 years of age and you're above 18? How Drunk are both parties? and how likely is it for either party to cheat (if you or the other's in a relationship) when inebriated You be the judge

What channels will the clique comercials be on?

I think they were on Nickelodeon? I ay be wrong though.

Where is Sharon fruit grown?

I think Japan, I could be wrong though.