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Sweating in MonsoonsShilpa dureja says...

On sunny days with clear skies, there's nothing to prevent any moisture at the surface of the earth from being evaporated quickly and easily into the open air.

This is why, in summers, when temperatures are very high, your perspiration evaporates so quickly that you hardly know you're sweating (but of course, you are, which is what helps you feel cooler in spite of all that heat).

This all changes during our monsoon season>>

In monsoons, the temperature is still fairly high, but the water which

is evaporating from the surface can't dissipate into open air. Rather it collects in the air beneath the clouds and gathers in the clouds, as well. This makes for very humid air, but not as humid as when it finally rains.

Before it rains, the temperature is still high enough to promote some evaporation. Once it rains, the temperature drops considerably. Combine the low temperature with the huge amount of water on the surface and in the air, and you have almost no evaporation, and the humidity is as

close as it can get to 100%.

Since the temperature has dropped, you may still feel that it is cooler, but it will be very easy to perspire, and very hard for that perspiration to evaporate. And that's why we feel uncomfortable!!

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