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because sometimes everyone else is doing the wrong thing and its peer pressure :)).Not everyone can do the right thing it takes the love for God for one to do the right thing and don't forget the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world

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Q: Why do you feel guilty for doing the right thing?
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You can feel 'guilty about' doing something, but you are 'guilty of' a crime (or of any other action which might be deemed wrong in some way).

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Yes you should feel guilty about it. This is not a loyal thing to do.

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Because your conscience is tell you that what you did wasn't right.

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Should you feel guilty?

Well it really depends on what you did.. If you did something that goes against your morals or what you believe in than yeah maybe but if you fell guilty for something you always wanted to do and finally did it than no you shouldn't feel guilty because your doing what you want .

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sad guilty not right missed placed i had a death so i feel not right

I feel guilty all the time Why is that I just get this feeling?

Usually people that feel guilty have done something wrong. If you have done something wrong the best thing to do would be to tell someone.