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Your feelings are very normal considering what you have been through. Your aversion to him is filled with the fear you had when you were with him, but now that you are rid of him your brain hasn't yet computed the fact you are actually free and independent without him. Most women fear that their abuser will harm them or corner them and it will start all over again. You are in charge now, and you run your own life and destiny. Abusers psychologically make their victim (you) feel like they are a "nothing" and can't get along without them. You're just learning slowly that this is not the truth and it's the abuser who is fearful and weak because they can't control themselves and fear losing their partner. I know, it doesn't make any sense because if a man was so fearful of this why abuse the love of his life. It's because he can control you and instill fear in you and he believes he has total control over you. You're doing just fine, so perk up, things are going to get better soon. Good luck Marcy

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Q: Why do you feel despair when you run into your abusive ex-boyfriend even though you don't love him anymore and feel an aversion towards him?
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of Despair, Feeling or expressing despair; hopeless.

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