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You know the saying you never know what you got until it's gone. Or the phrase the grass always looks greener from the other side. Well women realize the importance of a good man after a break up with them mind you I said a good man not a perfect man, but a good one. Love now a days is hard to find and a woman just wants a man she can trust and rely on. Even though the ex she broke up with may not be the best she realizes he was a good man and maybe there's a chance for her and the ex to rekindle a love that they once shared. It's not that she's desperate it's just she's sees what she didn't see in the relationship and sometimes it's better to look at someone from outside the box so to speak. There is another phrase that absence makes the heart grow fonder which is so true. Time away from the one you love only makes the love stronger and makes the reality of not having that special someone in your life worth trying to fix and mend.

AnswerOne word: FAMILIARITY. AnswerThis works with BOTH men and women. And sometimes it is not even the case. The reasons why people sometimes want an ex back are because they finally realised what they had and then its too late. They may have taken the other person for granted and just assumed they would stick by them. But once they see an ex getting stronger and moving in different directions, reality sets in. The reality is that this person may have some dignity, pride, goals and a zest for life without you. This can cause some people alot of fear and regret.

Sometimes its a good wakeup call and you do not take them for granted again if you win them back. Other times it is a lesson to learn. The lesson being that no matter how in love someone can be with you, that love can die with neglect and or abuse and there sometimes is nothing you can do to win it back. Never asssume that things will always stay the same or that you have a person right where you want them. You may actually be baffled by their newfound strength and kick yourself for being such an ass.

I have found its more men that feel the regret of the one that go away so to speak. They realise at that point that you cant just go out and find a duplicate of that person as there will never be another you. They all they do is compare every women to the one that got away. To avoid living in this type of regret, just make sure you always treat your partner with love and respect.

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11y ago
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17y ago

Answer People are human and some of them think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence of life so they divorce or seperate, go out with someone else, only to find out that hey, what a mistake that was and they run back to their former spouses only too glad that the old spouse is ready to take them back

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15y ago

They probably made a mistake "for the best" and they had great time with their ex girlfriend,
they miss them
or (my point of view)
They want to use them to get the other girl back.
This might help o.o

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16y ago

Because they are either stupid or lonely. Because they are either stupid or lonely.

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14y ago

Maybe they felt they made a mistake.

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