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Q: Why do we share more traits with our family than our friends?
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What is share on YouTube?

to share a video to a networking site more the less or friends and family in an email videos and music

Where might one find a site to share videos privately with friends and family?

There are a number of websites that offer the ability to share videos privately with family and friends. Some of the more popular sites include Videosprout, Shutterfly and Vimeo.

How can I get more online votes for my photo competition?

Share it on your Facebook Account. Share it on the community forums and other places like that .Ask your friends and family to vote for it.

Can a family have more than one Genus?

Yes, it is possible for a family to have more than one genus. Families are classified based on similarities in characteristics, so it is common for a family to include multiple genera that share certain traits or evolutionary relationships.

How do you deal with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend if they share the same friends and family?

you should be more trustworthy about your boyfriend, try to be friends with his friends to try for your family to get to know his family a lot. but don't try to be desperate. Besides, that's why she's the EX, she's in the past, don't worry about her so much.

Who is more important friends or siblings?

Siblings, friends come and go, but family is here to stay. ---- Definetly siblings you share the same flesh and blood symbolicly. When friends turn and stab you in the back siblings are there to heal the wound.

What is better friends or family?

Well who do you love more, your friends or your family. Personally I love my friends better, my family sucks.

What organism would share more characteristics in common those in the same class or the same family?

Organisms within the same family share more characteristics in common than those in the same class. Family is a more specific taxonomic rank that groups together organisms based on closer evolutionary relationships, leading to more shared similarities in terms of traits, behaviors, and genetics. Classes are larger and encompass a wider range of organisms with more diverse characteristics.

What kind of website is Flickr?

Flickr is a great photo sharing website where you can share photos with family and friends, as well as manage and organize photos and add tags, comments, notes, and more.

Why do people from same families look more similar than people from different families?

People from the same family share more genetic material than people from different families, which contributes to their physical similarities. This shared genetic makeup influences traits such as facial features, body type, and other physical characteristics that can make family members appear more alike. Additionally, shared environmental influences within the family, such as diet and lifestyle, can also contribute to similarities in appearance.

What are the desirable traits of teenagers?

Well, teenagers are not all the same. They do have common traits though, such as, them wanting to spend time with there friends more than family. They always want something, they are definitely mean at times but despite their bad attitudes and problems, they really do care about their family members and their friends. They are moody and unsocial at times.

Who would be more interesting to spend time with family or old friends?

Well it depends on your relationship with your family and friends. But for me it would be my old friends as I have not seen them in ages.