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Q: Why do some men like to see woman fight over them?
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Are you supposed to fight over the woman you love?

some people say you should fight FOR the woman you love and you should, if you dont she could easily fall for someone else. By fighting for her your showing how much you care about/love her.

Is it worth fighting over a girl?

No girl is worth fighting over. I don't understand why guys fight over girls, its stupid. Why fight over some chick and risk getting shot or stabbed or jumped. In the mean time the girl WILL watch you get killed. When you're like 14,15 you shouldn't fight over any girl. The girl doesn't really care about you. I REALLY don't understand when you go on myspace or facebook and you see some date that some girl put up like '5/12/10' and some extra B.S. like 'i luv him'. To me it seems dumb. Then like 20 mins later she takes it down and puts up 'He broke my heart'. Would you really fight over someone like that??

What do men like to fight?

Men like to fight for a number of reasons. Sometimes they fight to prove themselves. Sometimes they fight to work off aggression. Some fight to defend themselves, while others fight over women or for what they feel is right. Men have more testosterone than women and typically more muscle mass, so there is more of an urge.To be fair, there are times when women like to fight as well. It is often over a man, but not always. Sometimes women cannot stand each other.

Where do the women help the soldiers in WW1?

Some woman fight. Some are nurses and help the soilders with their injuries.

Why do guys flash?

some men flash as they like to feel they have power over a woman the flashing is intended to shock

Why do dogs fight?

Some dogs will fight over food or a bone. If you mean why do they fight at a dog fight, that is because sick humans have trained them to fight.

Who does 'Wonder Woman' fight?

Some of Wonder Woman's main villains are Circe, Cheetah, Doctor Poison, Doctor Psycho, Giganta, Genocide, Ares, and the Silver Swan. She also fights mythological monsters like Medusa, and will fight other superheros' villains when she runs into them, or if the other superheros need help.

Do countries fight over diamonds?

Some do. It is more of a fight over territory if diamonds are found. Countries want to make a profit.

Do women like men in suits?

Some women do. It's really your personality and charm that will win a woman over in the end.

Do women like to?

Some women like to fight and some don't -- just like men.

What does the expression she must be a hell of a woman mean?

she must be some kind of woman like special or amazing she must be some kind of woman like special or amazing

Do woman like dogs?

Some do, some don't.