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Lack of contentment causes people to cheat. Also the lack of knowledge on how to improve their relationship can make people look outside.

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Q: Why do some men have many partners but keep the same mistress?
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I would guess the reason why could be that he wants to keep his mistress and his wife at the same time. he doesn't want to loose you and at the same time he needs to make amends to his wife, so if the wife wanted a divorce, he will not loose money because of their children Just imagine if he can keep his wife and if he can't have sex with her, he knows where to go, you as the mistress. And for a mistress, she don't have the rights to wonder why her married man wanted to save his marriage.

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In countries, states where marriage of same sex partners is legally recognised, there is no difference in the treatment of the partners as compared to a heterosexual marriage partnership.

What would make a married man think of his ex mistress?

The only thing I can think of for a married man to think of his ex mistress is if he fell in love with her and he don't love his wife anymore, got spoiled on everything from her. And maybe his ex mistress is good in bed, not like his wife just doing the same old thing.

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you need to ask your partners for help same as scientists ask their partners for help.