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Because in olden days male use to handle all the work done outside the house and female use to do household work, due to which male use to think that they are great for doing outside work, but today time has change

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Q: Why do some countries value males children over female children?
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The human population contains more males than females at a rate of 101 males to 100 females. It is generally the case however in western countries that there are more females as females have a longer life expectancy.

Are there more women then men?

No.Answer:Overall in the world there are about 1% more men then women. This ratio is not consistent across the age groups. At birth there are about 7% more males than females, but this number decreases with age so that in seniors (+65 yr) there are only about 78 men for every woman.Many countries have other skews to their sex ratio. In countries which value male children more than female and have in uterosexing leading to abortions of fremale fetuses, there can be more than 20% more male children than female.

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Yes, like in many Asian countries, males are more important than females.

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Because, often, when women are married, they change their second name to the second name of there husband. This means that when males marry, the family name is not lost

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No, the gender of a child does not determine their value or benefit to their parents. Both male and female children bring unique joys and challenges to their families, and their worth is not determined by their gender. Each child is a precious individual deserving of love and support, regardless of their sex.

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