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Because as The Beatles say 'All you need is love'. Look at yourself, why are you going for these dickheads? As you get older it is important to live a life of grace, courage and respect. Don't go with your childish ways, be a mentor, be proud, pass on what you have learnt. All you have is the present and the future and you can make a choice about that right now. x They still have hope that there is a man out there that won't hurt them. I grew up with an abusive father, got married to an abusive man, and still hope there is a "good" guy out there. A man who knows how to treat a woman. Because we so want to be truly loved by someone, not controlled, abused, etc. You need to like yourself and know yourself first -- then you can spot quickly that person who does not respect you and walk away. And not feel badly about it. It is a healthy thing to want to be in a relationship. Relationships fulfill many emotional, economic, and social needs. To seek relationships even in the wake of abuse is proof of resilience! The desire to be in a normal relationship after being abused is like the ultimate destiny we could hope for. This describes exactly how i feel about my current situation, in that I deeply desire to be in a healthy relationship after the years of torment and mental abuse from the ex.I feel I have wasted the best years of my life with the abuser and want to make the most of what's left of me physically and emotionally and share all this genuine love with someone who enhances me, someone who is worthy, deserving and vice versa. The abuser wants us to fold up, crumble without them and make us feel we deserve this punishment. To carry on and be happy in life is what I'm striving for today with the elimination of the ex abuser and his roadblocks,now consuming his newly deceived prey. I find myself thinking " Better them than me",and perhaps its not so fair to say. ANSWER

i think because they are longing so much to find someone that doesn't want to use them as a puching bag. they want love, and people will do anything to find it. it's not a bad thing because no one should have to go through that pain.. but it happens, and people who are the victims still want to be loved.. properly

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Q: Why do people who have been the victim of multiple abusive relationships not lose their desire to be in a relationship?
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