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i think this is because some ppl dont like the advice given therefor choose to disregard it

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Q: Why do people seek advice but never use it?
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He decided to seek advice from a mentor before making a major decision.

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Always seek legal advice from a licensed legal practitioner.

Are you saying you are wrong because you seek confirmation?

No you are not saying you are wrong. We all need some conformation that what we are about to do or say is the right thing. Some may seek confirmation from a friend or the Holy Spirit. Whoever you seek confirmation from or advice, make sure that you take that advice, if not do not ask, use you own gut feeling.

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Yes, Synanthic is a dewormer that is commonly used in dogs to treat different types of worms, such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before using any medication on your dog to ensure proper dosage and safety.

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People who have been told to work out the heart muscle should seek medical advice before beginning a regimen. The general public use cardio workouts to increase the strength of the heart muscle.

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It is always best to seek medical advice before taking a mixture of different medicines. Consult your local pharmacist, doctor or check with a medical advice line.

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see M is the varital and some people don't know that so there you go its sort of like 4Chan people go there to seek anwsers but never find any.

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The safety of this medicine for use during pregnancy has not been established. The manufacturer therefore advises that it should be avoided during pregnancy. Seek medical advice from your doctor. It is not known if this medicine passes into breast milk. It is not recommended for use by breastfeeding mothers, unless considered essential by your doctor. Seek medical advice from your doctor.

When should you act on your own initiative and when should you seek help and advice from others?

Use you own initiative providing it is safe (regard to training and procedure) and within your limits. You may need help from others at times when people with more experience can assist in solving problems or in the case of physical activities can make lifting and moving of objects easier and safer.

Why are people so desperate for relationship advice on WikiAnswers?

Well, if you looked at the number of people who use Wikianswers, then you will see that there are actually not that many people desperat for relationship advice.

What do you do according to UK law if your ex is threatening to kill you?

you either run away or you seek advice only use weapons if in need for self defence

Can people lose their voice if they never use it?

no unless they never learned how to use it