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If you mean girls ! Then it's to attract the boys attention because maybe they like him.

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Q: Why do people dress in a inappropropriate way for a boy?
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How do gay people dress?

The same way straight people dress. There is no difference.

What is the best why to dress near a boy?

The best way to dress near a boy is to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Choose outfits that reflect your personal style and personality. It's important to be yourself and not worry too much about what others may think.

How do you ask a girl to dress a boy as girl?

you will have to get a girl that is going out with a boy and the boy does whatever the girl says then you ask them if they can tell their boyfriend if he can dress up as a girl Are you looking for a way to ask a girl to dress you up as a girl, or dress some other boy up as a girl? If it's you, just ask her. Most girls would love to dress up a willing boy and giggle all the way especially if you promise to wear whatever she picks out for you no matter how girly it is. If it's some other boy, she'll probably still be interested but you need to scheme how to get him into a dress. Usually a trick bet works or just catch him alone and capture him.

When should a boy wear a dress?

A boy can wear a dress if it aligns with their personal style or cultural norms. It is important for individuals to dress in a way that makes them feel comfortable and confident, regardless of gender norms or expectations.

How do people dress in Canada?

they dress very normally, like the way people in the USA or /Europe dress.

What is the perfect way to dress to make a boy like you?

Dress the way you already dress because no guy likes girls who try too hard to get attention but if you do want to try something then maybe try wearing a pretty shirt or dress because most likely he will tell

Why do you think it is not fair for people to judge you by the way you dress?

I do not think it is not fair. People who meet you for the first time and know nothing of you can judge about you only by how you look and how you dress. And the way you dress can tell a lot about you. So, all is fair.

Why did people dress that way in 1950's?

People change their manner of dress every decade or so, especially the teens and twenties.

How boy can dress as girl and should he?

How can a boy dress as a girl? --make up -- girl clothes -- wig bra dress fake "breasts" Should he? if he wants i do first you should take into considuration if he is doing this exsperimentily or if hes a cross dresser eather way let him or it will lead to him gaining depresioin

What is the proper way to dress to cirque du soleil?

If you are going to see a show, some people like to dress up, but some people dress casual. Its up to you really. (: Rosalie

Why do goths dress the way they dress?

Why do you dress the way you dress? Because you like it.

Why are some people sexy?

Because that's just how they are and the way they dress.