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  • Why people change sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst is that life is a circle and we learn from every year of our lives that goes by and some people take a good path in life while others choose the wrong path. As each individual experiences life it depends what happens in their life as some people seem to have it fairly easy in life while others may have had tragedies or heartbreak in their lives. Individuals are the product of their environment in which they grew up and if they were nurtured properly by their parents then they often are giving and loving people throughout life, but, if the parents just didn't care enough to give the quality of time to their children; perhaps were verbally or physically abusive to that individual child then that child bares the mark of psychological difficulties. If someone you know is not nice to you it could mean that person is either angry at themselves or angry at society and their heart hurts and a wise individual would look past what that particular person said and try to find the good in them. Some best friends are made from this sort of action. We live in a robotic world and a 'me' generation and there are many lonely people out there, but thankfully many wonderful people as well. Individuals change because they have no alternative and it's called 'growing up and maturing' but it doesn't mean one has to be all serious and they still can have some fun. So, if you know someone that is grumpy or not too nice to you then reach past what they seem to be and if the person is worth it then try talking to them so you can better understand them .. you may be surprised. Life can certainly be difficult for many; but it's one rush of a joy ride!
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Q: Why do people change as time goes on and sometimes you wonder if they change for the better or the worst and I wish things were the way they were?
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