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Q: Why do men take upskirt photos of women?
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Why are their no Upskirt photos of Martina Mcbride?

Martina wears mini-skirts and i believe she wears no underwear so when she is on stage men can surely see up her skirt but security must not allow any cameras next to the stage to protect Martina from any embarissing photos.

Did men and women take part in the greek Olympics?

no just men

Why did the women movement face strong opposition?

The women's movement faced strong opposition because men did not take them seriously and viewed women as property. They did not want women to have rights like voting and owning their own land. To men, women were inferior.

What are the release dates for Take Five - 1987 Men Who Hate Men Who Hate Women 1-6?

Take Five - 1987 Men Who Hate Men Who Hate Women 1-6 was released on: USA: 1987

Are women better achievers than men?

what,women are better achievers since when, from what I have experianced in my life they just take from men!

Why women take traditional business?

Because in traditional business you take less chances. for example women in the stock marketdon't invest a lot of money on wall street, but men do because men take more chances than women

How did the view of women change after WW1?

while men were away fighting the war, the women decided to take up the jobs that were initionally for men. And then when the men came back they seen that women were cababile to do these jobs.

Why are women braver then men?

women tend to rely more on emotions. For decision making, while men think logically.

Who shouldn't take 'the pill'?

Men, pregnant women, and, animals.

Can women take mega men sport vitamins?


How was life different for men and women in china?

Women often had to obey the men and men married younger women like it is common for a 40 year old to marry like a 17 year old and women had to take care of the men and didn't have much say in the house

What jobs did the men and women do?

the man go out and hunt and he women take care of the house and kids