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Because it means they think your beautiful and they want you to tongue them then they lick you out then you toss him off then its time for oral and pubes or no pubes boys love it all

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Q: Why do guys stare at girls like they're in a daze?
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Do guys tend to think that a girl likes them when she stares at them?

Depends on the type of stare. But, most of the time girls usually stare at guys whom they like.

Why do guys stare at you but not do anything?

Guys may stare at you because A) You're in front of them, and it's a natural thing to look or even stare at a person. B) You're very pretty, and guys tend to continually stare at pretty girls without even wanting to start a relationship. Hope I helped!

Do guys stare at girls breasts?

Yes. They all just love big boobs.

Do guys stare at girls they think are ugly?

not always; remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Do guys only stare at girls when she is pretty or do they stare even when she's ugly?

Well sometimes they stare at you because you stare at them...or maybe they like you! But if there is a chance they do when they look at you smile at them then close your eyes and look away! It works everytime

Why do white guys stare at black girls?

Because they wanna see them naked.Very few stare, but of the ones who do stare, it is probably because they like what they see and cannot get enough. Others may stare simply because they are rude themselves.

Do boys cause break ups in relationships or girls?

yes its the guys because they assume the girls are flirting...when there not!girls can have guy friends when theyre dating someone. but the guys get jealous of the other its all a mess but girls dont deserve to get hurt because of something stupid like that,

Do guys that are 13 like shy girls or think they are weird?

They think shy girls are hiding something , and want to express it but can't because theyre too shy .

Do guys like heels or sneakers?

Most guys are wierd and like girls who wear Heels. Some guys like girl who normally wear sneakers, but most guys like the girls in heels... As long as theyre pretty heels and not Lady GaGa Style type shoes... Haha

Why do guys always look at girls and hold their penis?

Well imma girl but i know its because theyre afraid their gunna get an errection (stiffy)

Why do guys state at a girls lips?

Guys might stare at a girl's lips because they find them attractive or are drawn to them while she is speaking. It could also be a sign of interest or desire.

Will guys think you are hot if you wear tight shirts?

i would because it shows girls breasts es[peciallly if they ar ebig and u show cleavage guys will start to stare at you