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Men/boys need aapproval from their friends, they dont want to date a girl if they think their friends might disaprove of her.


This is partially true, but it also depends on what it is he's saying. If he's speaking to his friends about a girl in an endearing, positive way it most likely means he has feelings for the girl due to the fact that teenage boys rarely share their feelings about anything other than sports and other small talk. This makes it plain and clear that he must like this girl alot. If he's saying negative things about her it probably means he's not sure how he feels and he's trying not to seem obvious, that way he still has time to decide and figure things out before others ruin it. Negative things could also simply mean he really has negative feelings toward her, but that is rarely the case unless she's actually done something worth being angry over. If the things he's saying are just small friendly comments then it most likely means nothing, it could mean something, but I wouldn't think much of it. If he's asking what his friends think of the girl or if he's questioning his friends about her in any way, then it probably means he's seeking approval.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

Maybe you are unintentionally giving off signals that you are coming on to them and they are just politely letting you know that they are not available. I would not take offense to it.

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Q: Why do guys randomly bring up their girlfriends in conversations?
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