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It's because they have nothing better to do but mess around with girls.

I'm fairly sure some, if not most, of those times when guys do that are accidental (I'm sure i'd never do it on purpose anyway and I'm a guy)

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12y ago
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14y ago

to try to upset you and try to get sex from you and you should know he is cheating on you take it from someone who knows. i had a boyfriend he played with my feelings and he cheated on three times. Don't let your boyfriend play with your feelings.

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14y ago
  • Most women are romantics at heart and few men are. Some young men (even some older men) cannot commit to one woman and are completely oblivious to any hurt they cause the woman they are with and then breakup or simply quit dating the woman. It is said that there are the initial things on a man's mind are food; sex; sports; drink and party and love a good time and once again sex. However, there are some men that truly do know what love is and are are quite romantic treating their girlfriend with the greatest of respect. In all fairness some men can be callous and not care how they use and hurt women, but, some women can be the same.
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17y ago

You ask that as if it is only something men do. People do it because, well, because some people just suck and they are incosiderate of others.

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