You shouldn't, it only makes him hate you more. Thus trying to never remember you. Best way is to let go and let him grow.
The past tense of "let go" is "let go" as it remains the same in both present and past tense.
Did you let him go
Never Let Her Go was created in 1975.
"Never let you go" in Hindi can be translated as "कभी भी तुम्हें मत जाने देना".
The duration of Never Let Go is 1.5 hours.
Never Let Go - song - was created in 1972.
Never Let Me Go was released on 09/15/2010.
The Production Budget for Never Let Me Go was $15,000,000.
Never Let Go was created on 1960-06-07.
'Never Let Me Go' is scheduled for release on 15th September.