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Girls are aggravating.

i think its because you made him mad or you did something wrong like my friend played a joke on me and it included him she said that they were secretly dating so i called to make sure it wasnt true and he said no then i call later and he said he was mad at me and that if i trusted him enough i wouldn't have called and this happened yesterday and hes still mad

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becausee they only want u

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Q: Why do guys get mad easily?
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because there guys that is why they don't get mad my boyfriend didn't get mad so don't worry about it if he flirts with other girls you flirt with other guys that just the only answer

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Get anger management help.

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Does not get mad easily

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no i dont think so,normally when someone is mad they just ignore you. your straight

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ok i might not be right but i dont really know this so im guessing.YOU GUYS R LOSERS

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Make him jealous and try to flirt with other guys to make him so mad so that he might have an interest and talk to you more

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its a problem guys have. they will get mad or be happy for no good reasons. its like pms for a dude. just gotta go with the flow.