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  • Not all girls get bored with a certain guy they like or love. When you are in your teens it isn't much different from the generations of teens before you and it is common that guys or girls can change their mind about a partner and move on and that's fairly normal. Not so long ago men of all ages ruled over the women and came and went out of the woman's life, but when the 1960's came (peace, love and equality) it was the 'changing of the seasons' meaning women began to realize they had far more freedom to do as they pleased and were in charge of their own lives than they had ever thought possible. They wanted more freedom; better jobs; less sexual harassement which was privilent in the years before the 1960's and they passed it down to their own children. Although Women's Lib was a good thing in one way it was also over the top in others and as the decades went by the women began to take far more charge of their lives; held good positions in politics; some became famous in different areas of society; some held good positions in corporations and it was 'freedom at last.' The downside of it all was some women forgot the trick of being a lady and still getting what she wanted to a degree because they were blinded by the freedom they had and what women had to put up with in the past from men ... ridiculed if they didn't 'come across' yet if they did they were called unthinkable names; men able to cheat and most women put up with it; women terrified of losing their reputations or jobs and in general men seemed to rule the world and now in this new generation some young women are taking over what the men had for generations such as flipping from one man to the other; one night stands; cheating; waiting longer to get married; having careers so they are having their children later in life. Some women feel it's pay back time, but smart women can have a lot of freedom in their lives; remain loyal to their mate; have their children and a career.
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12y ago
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13y ago

Because guys sometimes need guy times and if girls are super clingy, they will get sick of them and leave them. so you need to space out your time with your boyfriend and make sure to ask him questions and talk about sports and things he likes to keep him intrested

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9y ago

maybe because there not fun any more or maybe there not interested in them any more

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