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Tryptophan induces the lac operon.

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Q: Why do both bacteria and humans need tryptophan?
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What do plant calls and bacteria call have in common?

They both need water, are genetically distant from humans (usually), occurred from the same original cell that all earth life (minus potentially some viruses), and both usually have organelles.

Are bacteria good or bad?

Because some of the bacteria in the human body fights off diseases, and some cause them. for example, in your antibodies, you have a bacteria that fights certain sickness. Also, a type of bacteria helps you digest food. That's why it's not safe to drink hand sanitizer.

Why is tryptophan included under aromatic amino acids rather than heterocyclic compounds?

Tryptophan is classified as an aromatic amino acid due to its chemical structure, which contains an aromatic ring (indole ring) that contributes to its unique properties and reactivity in biological processes. While tryptophan does contain a heterocyclic ring system, its classification as an aromatic amino acid is primarily based on its aromatic ring structure.

Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic organisms?

Aerobic bacteria need oxygen, while anaerobic bacteria do not need oxygen to survive. They both are bacteria and obtain food in one way.

Why do humans need soil bacteria?

Humans need soil bacteria for various reasons, including nutrient cycling, decomposition of organic matter, and promoting plant growth. Soil bacteria also help in breaking down pollutants and supporting a healthy ecosystem. Additionally, some soil bacteria can have beneficial effects on human health, such as producing antibiotics and aiding in digestion.

How do rosebushes compare to humans?

They both have cells and need water

What are bacteria and viruses common types of?

Bacteria and viruses are common types of pathogens that can cause infections and illnesses in humans. Bacteria are single-celled organisms that can be harmful or beneficial, while viruses are infectious agents that need a host cell to reproduce. Both bacteria and viruses can spread through contact with infected individuals, contaminated surfaces, or through the air.

Do humans need both lungs to live?

No you need a heart and a brain too...

Why does humans need soil bacteria?

Humans need soil bacteria because they help in the decomposition of organic matter, which releases nutrients essential for plant growth. These bacteria also play a crucial role in nitrogen fixation, soil structure formation, and disease suppression. Additionally, soil bacteria can indirectly benefit humans by promoting healthy plant growth and food production.

What needs bacteria to carry out their life functions?

Many things need bacteria to carry out their daily life functions. This includes humans, other animals, and some species of plants.

Do humans interact with crabs?

Interact? Hermit crabs and humans are not like. That being said however: Hermit Crabs and humans do both need to eat, and both have their own food pyramid they should eat from to remain healthy. Hermit crabs and humans both need to drink water so they do not become dehydrated. However, water needs to be safe as in hermit crabs if offered tap water needs to have a dechlorinator used to make it safe, whereas humans do not. Hermit crabs and humans both need a certain warmth to prevent hypothermia which can lead to harmful complications or death. Hermit crabs and humans both need salt in their diet even though it is a different type of salt. Hermit crabs need the elements found in ocean/sea water salt/salt mixes and humans need the iodine from salt.

What do clown fish and humans have in common?

They both need oxygen to survive.