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If babies cry, it could be due to a multitude of reasons. Babies can be conditioned just like any other human being. Lets say, for example, your baby cries and the first thing you do is pick him/her up. Your child is going to associate crying with being picked up. So, even if you think its for no reason, the actual reason is for attention. A Couple Solutions: 1. If you are positive there is no physical reason for a baby to be crying (ex: baby has been fed, burped, changed and in NO discomfort), let the baby cry and break the association. Pretty soon, the baby will realize that crying does not mean he/she gets to be picked up. 2. Determine the association by retracing steps. If you pick the baby up and he/she is still crying, try putting it in its high chair, or try playing with him/her.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Maby your baby has colic or is either hungry, needs a change, wants to be held, needs burping, or something else. Sometimes baby's just cry because they want to not because there is something wrong and that does not mean your a bad parent just a normal one. And i only know this because i took a parenthood class so no one expects you to know all this. And good luck with your child. Hope this helps. =)

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12y ago

OH my its because babies do that natrualy most of the time it could be a praticular reason such as if the baby peed on his diaper its natrual for babies to cry

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13y ago

babies cry a lot because that's the only way they can let someone know that they need something.they cants just walk up to someone and say "hey you i need a diaper change!"

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